Holiday Program ’07

by Brooke on December 19, 2007

Today was Brandon’s Holiday Program for preschool. He LOVES music time at school and has been so excited for the program!

He kept posing and smiling for me and Jaden with the video camera and would wave every once in a while. They sang a ton of Christmas songs, threw in a few Hanukkah tunes and then a Feliz Navidad. :) They used different instruments which was fun.

And different headgear, too. :)

The kids all did an awesome job and we loved the program. It was adorable. I wanted to get some pictures with his teacher and his little buddies but oh my goodness, it was crazy and packed after it was over. Oh well!! We went and got lunch and an ice cream cone afterwards. Now that we’re home, Brandon’s already watched the video a few times. :)
Now school is OUT until after New Years. What shall we do to entertain the kids?!?!? Wanna come play?!?!?

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Kirsten December 19, 2007 at 2:24 pm

I’m so there…


Julie December 19, 2007 at 3:21 pm

Brandon is so handsome…what a cute program. I bet you missed the snowflake songs, though! :) We’re ready to play!


Emilee December 19, 2007 at 5:01 pm

I know, you can come play at our house- that would keep you occupied for a few days! What a fun looking preschool program.


Gina December 19, 2007 at 11:28 pm

Play time? What does that mean? Okay. I shouldn’t be such a “Debbie Downer.” I did just have lunch at my house with my sister today. Anyhoo, you know my number. Let’s be friends again!


Natalie December 20, 2007 at 5:00 pm

That looks like a serious program compared to our little snowflake songs for 9 minutes! Don’t you miss MCP? I’ll make sure my kids are all better and then we’ll play with you guys.


Adrienne Ballingham December 20, 2007 at 9:25 pm

You don’t know me but I got your blog off of Kelly Sharples who got your blog off of Natalie Dansie. I came here for a recipe but in the mean time saw your preschool pictures. Just wondering if your son goes to NewCastle? My daughter is in Newcastle for her second year. She loves it. We have her Christmas program tomorrow. My blog is just in case! Love your blog!


Jenny McDonald December 22, 2007 at 2:58 am

He is so cute! I still remember walking into the church and Brandon saying “We’re going to church!” I love how he is posing for each picture! Hope you are doing well!


Bethany December 24, 2007 at 12:47 am

Happy Be-lated Birthday and have a very Merry Christmas. Oh, and thank you so much for the Christmas card, that made me feel so special. :) Thank you!!!


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