Thursday Thursday

by Brooke on October 18, 2007

I love Thursdays. Probably because The Office is on Thursday nights and also it is Garbage Day in our neighborhood. I really love Garbage Day for some reason. Just knowing that the Garbage Man is whisking away all of our trash, ahhhh. It’s a great feeling.

I’ve been meaning to jot down some stuff about the kids before my pregnant brain hides it away in some dusty, dark corner, never to be found again. So here we go, it’s mostly for me to remember it all.

The Super Brandon:

Loving school, excited about the new baby with constant questions (did mom eat the baby? How does it come out? Will Annie play with the baby? I think it’s going to be a girl.) and is really looking forward to turning 5 in March.

“After Autumn, then will it be Christmas? And then after Christmas, will it be Spring? And then will the Murray Pool be open?!?!? Wait, when is it going to be Autumn?” He loves swimming at the Murray Pool.

“I had an imagination about that last night.”

“I found the turner-upper.” Meaning, the volume knob. :)

“That’s brilliant.”

The baby hymnbook story–at church a few weeks ago, I showed Brandon my little mini hymnbook. He said, “Hey, that’s like a baby one!” So we pulled out the regular sized hymnbooks, which became the mommy and daddy books. Brandon then put the “baby” book inside the “mommy” book, because I have a baby inside MY tummy. Clever boy. Then a few minutes later, he said that the baby book was hatching out of the mommy book. :)

“Maybe when I’m ten I can whistle and climb up a ladder.”

“When I’m ten, my favorite color will be black.” Can you sense a theme here?!?! Apparently TEN is going to be a big year.

Brandon is really into drawing and coloring pictures, then cutting them out with his very own special scissors, and then hanging his creations on his wall with tape. He does great drawings of people, it’s been fun seeing him improve. I will either scan some or take some pictures of some of them soon, because it’s so cute. I don’t know where he got it from, I can’t draw to save my life. Jaden is a bit shabby at drawing as well. :)

“Is my Halloween party on the two-six day?” Meaning, the 26th of October.

He loves to make up stories and then create little books about it, with me transcribing the text. :) He’s really been into Superman lately, well actually, Super Brandon.

“I’m a super spy.”

Love him. I love that he holds my hand and I just enjoy it because I know that won’t last too much longer. :(

Miss Annie Jayne:

She will be two next month!! AGGHGHHH!! She’s a hoot, a messy-head, love her little pouty face when she’s sad, her crazy medusa-ratnest afro hairdo in the morning, adores her big brother, loves to dance and walk on her tippy toes, still plugging in to her belly button, loves to kiss any baby she meets….a happy gal.

She loves to carry ALL of her babies around with her, stuffed in her arms, plus her blankies, cell phone, purse, etc.

She is a good little mommy–I’ll find her feeding her babies fruit snacks, kissing them, wiping them, letting them talk on the phone, putting them to bed….

She is a chatterbox. She can’t say her “c” sound or her “g” sound, so sometimes it’s hard to tell what she’s saying, but here are a few things we chuckle at: otay (okay)–just like on Little Rascals!, peent (pink), puntin (pumpkin), tah (car), dut (duck), dama (grandma), dodd (dog), teetee motta (cookie monster), etc. I love how she says “peese” and “tanks, mommy!” and “your welcome” and “I’m funny!”. And when she drops something, she says “Can’t reach it.”

Annie is still into Cinderella (Rella) big time and she likes My Little Ponies. Ask her to say “Pony” and it’s the cutest thing ever.

Annie loves coloring on paper and on walls. Thank goodness for Magic Eraser.

Speaking of colors, Annie is learning her colors and shapes. She’s good at recognizing pink, yellow, blue, orange and green, circles, stars, and squares.

One of her favorite songs is I Am a Child of God. We’re still not sure if she can carry a tune but we love hearing her sing anyway. Sometimes in the car she’ll just invent her own songs and just sing away.

Oh, and a milestone–Annie is in her big girl bed now! A little earlier than we did it with Brandon, but with the move and everything, we didn’t want to put the crib back up. She’s doing pretty well with it, except for naptime. She’ll nap in the pack ‘n play in the toy room for now.

We love this girlie girl. She’s really turning into a big girl, it’s amazing how she is growing.

That’s all for now. :)

{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }

Chereebee October 18, 2007 at 7:58 pm

I love how you journal things that your kids say and do and things about them. They are too cute!!!
I LOVE the pics of them!!!!


Julie October 18, 2007 at 9:14 pm

Those are the cutest pictures of your kids. They got their photogenicness (is that a word?)from you! I love reading all those fun things they do and say. Brandon always makes me laugh. I can hardly wait to see cute Annie with a new baby in the family!


Leslie October 18, 2007 at 10:50 pm

What a cute idea! I might just have to copy! Your kids are adorable, no doubt #3 will be just as darling! What cutie pies!


Natalie October 19, 2007 at 9:17 am

Great pictures as usual. I love reading about your kids. I keep a running list of funny or cute things my kids do. It’s fun to look back and read them. Annie is just like Cambrie…carrying purses, nurturing her baby. We’ve got to get them together and let them play!


koryandkatie October 19, 2007 at 11:25 am

Such cute pictures, and I love how you keep track of things they do and say. It’s too easy to forget all those cute little things.


Emilee October 20, 2007 at 4:25 pm

Great pictures, of course! Way to keep track of the great things they say- it helps me feel like they’re my little buddies!


Jenny McDonald October 21, 2007 at 6:51 am

You rock at keeping your blog updated! How do you do it? As you can see I can’t sleep, so I’m checking up on how things are going! Your kiddos are so cute! I hope Grace grows up to be as cute. Let me know if you need anything!


angie October 21, 2007 at 1:17 pm

I just love learning about your cute kids. They are so sweet and fun. You are AWESOME at taking pics. Yeah, I can’t wait.


Bethany October 22, 2007 at 9:37 am

SO cute!! Thanks for writing this. The pictures are absolutely adorable. I love the things kids say. My 4 year old nephew looked at my tummy (when I was pregnant) and asked me “Is he done yet?” as though he’s just baking in the oven like cookies. I love them!!!!


K&K October 23, 2007 at 8:52 am

these are adorable! I need to jot these down more often because stuff like this is the best!


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