President Hinckley

by Brooke on January 28, 2008

Jaden and I were somewhat shocked to hear the news of the passing of President Gordon B. Hinckley, our beloved prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. Although he was 97 years old and we knew it was inevitable, it was an unexpected thing to hear on a windy Sunday night.
I don’t really have any profound words but I just wanted to say that I love this man, and truly see him as a prophet of God. He was the prophet during a very critical period of my life (from about my sophomore year in high school until nearly age 30)–actually nearly half of my life–and has been the most influential church leader of my time. He is the only prophet my kids have known, and I loved hearing the way they said his name and recognized his picture. For a time, anytime an older man was speaking at the pulpit for General Conference or any other meeting, Brandon automatically called them “President Hinckley!!” It’s a tiny bit strange to think that our new little baby girl will be born under a new prophet’s era. I loved hearing him speak, seeing his face and laughing at his clever sense of humor. He had a way of being so personal, everyone felt as if he were their close friend. He had such power and humility at the same time. I have a testimony of his words and of his leadership of the Church and am grateful that I had the opportunity to sustain him and even attend meetings where he spoke several times during my life. What an amazing man.
Jaden and I sat and watched the news reports about his death and kind of reminisced together. We are sad with the loss of such an incredible man but happy at the same time that he can finally be with his sweet wife Marjorie again.
We’ll miss you, President Hinckley.
June 23, 1910-January 27, 2008

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Natalie January 28, 2008 at 1:18 pm

I’m gonna miss him. He really was a wonderful prophet!


Victoria January 31, 2008 at 10:57 am

He was an amazing soul!


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