The Super Birthday Post

by Brooke on March 31, 2008

I’ve finally gone through the pictures from Brandon’s birthday celebrations–quite a task! I’ve narrowed it down but this is still a long picture-y post. :) I mean LONG.

Super Hero Training Camp

I clearly must’ve had a brain lapse when I decided to do this huge party. 3 weeks before delivery. But it was fun and insane and hopefully will be a good memory for Brandon. Thanks Kirsten for helping out with the majority of the photo moments!!

The birthday boy–aka “Super Boy Brandon.”

I made badges for every super hero “trainee” when they first came to the house–they had to check in, get fingerprinted and have their identity confirmed. Then my mom took a polaroid picture of them, like a mug shot. :)

Uncle Ty helped me with the fingerprinting and check in. I had recorded every child’s name into my computer using some robot voice generator thing I found for free on the internet, so when they had their “retinal scan” (glow-stick in front of their eyes) I’d hit their name on my laptop and a voice would say “Brandon ______, identity confirmed.” I thought it was cool…the kids probably were very afraid. :) I guess I’m a super nerd.
I also had everyone decorate their own super hero mask when they first arrived.

Grandpa Judd and Annie…

Here’s most of the group–we had about 16 boys and like 5 girls there. What was I thinking?!?!?
For some of the activities, we had an obstacle course so the “trainees” could prove their speed and endurance and agility. Oh, they proved it all right. Pictures are blurry for a good reason!!

Tunnel crawl, jumping into cushions (flying test), sprint, then knocking the super heroes over (see pic above), and then lifting 2 weights. Everyone passed. :)
Then they had to learn how to capture and tie up a villain. Grandpa Russ was the bad guy and each trainee got to practice tying him to the chair with rope as strong as Spiderman’s web (aka black crepe paper.) They did a great job.

Then total pandemonium occured.

The villain escaped and it was total chaos. The kids were chasing him throughout the main level of the house, climbing on him, tackling, insanity. They even captured Jaden who was really one of the good guys. :) I seriously thought I might go into labor right then. It was more like a zoo than a party at this point, but they were having a blast. :)
We settled down and ate pizza and grapes and fruit snacks and juice. Then Brandon opened presents.

His friends were all so cute and generous. He got tons of fun toys. More than I know what to do with!! They all wanted to stand up in the front to see.
The fancy Harmon’s Spiderman cake.

Happy Birthday, Brandon!!

Oh, before singing Happy Birthday we had the official cape ceremony where every trainee became a full-fledged Super Hero. So exciting. I made red fleece capes for the boys and pink ones for the girls. Thanks Grandma for helping sew the velcro! Here are the new Supers enjoying some birthday cake. Miraculously, there were no major spills.
While waiting for the parents to come pick up their kids, we did a pinata as one last show of their strength. Hilarious. I bet everyone’s parents hated me for giving them so much sugar!! I don’t have a picture of this but you can imagine the craziness….

Brandon and his awesome grandpas–thanks for your help!

Grandpa Russ, Grandma Wendy, Uncle Ty, Super Boy Brandon. Grandpa and Ty even wore super hero t-shirts just for the occasion. :) You all were a HUGE help!! Thanks!
Even though it was quite loud and crazy (what can you expect with THAT many kids in your house at the same time?!?!?) I think it was a success! We all survived, anyway. :) Remind me to not do that again any time soon…..
**Note: I got lots of ideas from this site:
Family Birthday Party

On Brandon’s actual birthday (March 19th) we just had family over for cake and ice cream. Nice and mellow. Brandon and I made chocolate cupcakes with red frosting. They were yummy.

Brandon wore his birthday crown from school ALL DAY. Well, why not? :)

Annie really enjoyed the cupcakes too.

The big present from us was his new bike–Brandon picked it out himself.

Our family was so generous and gave him awesome presents!!

Good thing we have a toy room now!

Grandpa and Annie singing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” Just like American Idol.

We love our 5 year old boy and are so grateful to be his parents.

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{ 15 comments… read them below or add one }

Julie March 31, 2008 at 10:10 am

The pictures don’t quite do it justice. It was SO fun though. Super party of the year! We still owe brandon a replacement gift. I haven’t forgotten. Thanks for inviting Halle & Aidan. They put their capes on almost every day!


Mary March 31, 2008 at 11:10 am

You are a Super Mom for sure! Great job Brookie!

2 days!!!


Natalie March 31, 2008 at 12:33 pm

I love the Super Hero party theme. We did a similar one, but I didn’t have as many kids as you did. You are definitely brave! The pictures are great. Look at those HUGE smiles. All your hard work will definitely leave Brandon with fun memories.


Lynndi March 31, 2008 at 3:14 pm

You are a super mom. You are so fun and such a great sport. I could never accomplish all that on my best day. You are a great mom. Your kids are real lucky!!!


Gina March 31, 2008 at 4:47 pm

Well, in the past I have felt inferior and inadequate at times when seeing and hearing of your life. Today I feel this no longer. I now KNOW that you are just INSANE! Seriously, girl! You are more than out of control. I will never understand. Good job.


Bethany March 31, 2008 at 10:02 pm

You are NOT a super-nerd. You are a SUPER cute and SUPER creative mom. Your kids are so lucky to have you. I’m starting to feel bad for Kashton. :) What an awesome party!!


koryandkatie March 31, 2008 at 10:59 pm

Wow! What a party! I can’t believe you braved that, being so super pregnant! You are awesome. It looked like TONS of fun!


Quinn April 1, 2008 at 8:54 am

If that isn’t the cutest birthday party I’ve ever heard of! How adorable! I’m sure he’ll never forget it!


Leslie April 1, 2008 at 1:43 pm

You’re amazing!!! I’m sure they all had a total blast!!!


Emilee April 1, 2008 at 3:48 pm

I CAN NOT believe that he’s 5! He’s so handsome & that party looks incredible!! BTW- when is your baby due?


Jason & Kelli West April 1, 2008 at 7:18 pm

WOW!! 3 weeks away from a baby and you threw an AMAZING party! you are an awesome mom!


Jenny April 1, 2008 at 9:15 pm

Look at you Brooke, so creative and so fun, your kids really are lucky to have you as a mom.


Kendra September 5, 2008 at 4:22 pm

What a fun party! I especially love the check-in proceedure, name tags, and graduation capes! I’ll have to remember these ideas for the inevitable super-hero birthday my son will have one of these years. Your son has such a cute smile, too! You know he loved it!


Kristen February 3, 2010 at 11:44 am

I just commented on your pinkalicious party and yes because I'm crazy I am planning 2 parties in march. One will be my 6 yr olds power ranger party! Could you tell me the site you found the robot voice simulator from?

Thank you so much!!!



Kristen February 3, 2010 at 11:47 am

Oh sorry to be a bother but where did you find the name tags? Just the plastic part.


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