Haylie’s Birth Day 4-1-08

by Brooke on April 30, 2008

Finally I am posting Haylie’s birth story (one month later!) with a whole bunch of pictures from the hospital. In fact, it’ll take two posts because there are so many pictures and I want to post them! This will be lengthy.

First of all, Jaden took some pictures of me and the kids on the day I had Haylie–I wanted some with their hands on my tummy. I did a layout with those pics yesterday, using a new upcoming kit from http://www.ggdigitaldesigns.com/ called “Just for Mom”.

So I was scheduled to have a C-section on Thursday, April 3, 2008. Haylie had different plans and wanted to come just a few days sooner! Here’s the story.

On Monday, March 31, I went to my OB appointment. He checked to see if I was dilating and of course, nothing was happening. That’s just how I roll–I’ve never gone into labor on my own with my other pregnancies. Frankly, I was nervous about actually going into labor because I have to deliver by C-section, and I was a bit concerned about rupturing my uterus if I were to be in true labor. Plus, I am a planner, and I loved that we had everything set in place for the Thursday delivery. My dr. and I had joked most of the pregnancy about how I didn’t really want to have an April Fool’s Day baby, and I said “If I get to choose, then I want to choose a different day than April 1st!” Not that there’s anything wrong with that day, I just sort of wanted to avoid all the future pranks and jokes and just let Haylie have a regular birthday! :) My Dr. even said that he had an opening for surgery on April 1st and it was mine if I wanted it. No way! Do you all see the irony of the whole situation? :) Looking back, I should’ve just taken that spot!!!!

I went about the rest of my day after my appt. We put the kids to bed, and at about 9:30 pm I was getting in bed to read. Then I felt sort of a “pop” and….well I wondered if maybe my water broke. I wasn’t sure because it’s never happened before and it wasn’t exactly what I expected. I decided to watch and wait.

All that night I had contractions and did not sleep very well. They weren’t really regular enough to rush to the hospital but it was more than I had ever experienced. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that I was possibly in labor and that the baby would be coming earlier than planned!

The next day, Julie and her kids came over and spent the morning playing. I didn’t really have any more contractions but was still wondering if my water was broken. Later on I became more concerned and finally called the OB office to see what I should do. I described what had happened and the on-call nurse told me to come on in and they’d check me. AGGHHH!

The phone calls started. I called Jaden and he came home. I called my mom and Jaden’s mom and couldn’t get a hold of either of them, of course! So I called my grandma to take Brandon and Annie. I ran around the house throwing stuff into a bag. I had planned to pack my bag either that night or Wednesday night–I thought I had the whole next day to get ready! :) We were a little nervous because this was a new experience for us, even being our third baby.

We got to the hospital around 4:30 pm. We lucked out and got one of our favorite nurses, Candie! She is Jaden’s aunt’s sister and helped when Brandon was born. She checked me and sure enough, my water was broken and there was meconium in the fluid, which can be a sign of fetal distress. But everything seemed to be okay with the baby so I went ahead and got my epidural and got prepped for surgery. We confirmed to our families that YES, we were having this baby!! And it was NOT an April Fool’s Day joke! :)

Everything went well with the C-section, and at 7:19 pm Haylie Belle was born! What a relief.

Here are some of the first pictures of her:

The NICU nurses were in the OR because of the meconium in my amniotic fluid, so they were able to suction it all out of her lungs and give her oxygen. Haylie did really well and Jaden was right by her side. Everyone was guessing she weighed at least 8 pounds because she was kind of chubby, so they were surprised with the 6 pounds 8 ounces.

I couldn’t believe it was over! It’s amazing how you can just fall in love at first sight. Again, I felt such relief that everything turned out okay. I had been pretty anxious.

My first time really holding the baby….and at this point we still hadn’t decided on a name!

Grandma Judy and Grandpa Judd.

Aunt Amy and Uncle Jordan.

Brandon and Annie were so excited–they had been waiting for this big day! Grandma Wendy got them special shirts that they wore to the hospital that said “Big Brother” and “Big Sister.”

Meeting Baby Haylie…

Brandon and Annie were so sweet from the get-go. It made me teary to see my three kids together for the first time.
Here, Brandon is showing how big his finger is compared to Haylie’s tiny one. :)

Our girls…
Grandma Wendy.

Grandma Yoo-Hoo.

Grandpa Russ.

Uncle Ty.

We loved having our families there and really missed those who live out of town. It was wonderful to get to spend so much time together after Haylie was born.

Me and my Brandon.

We are so glad she’s here!!
Come back tomorrow, I’ll post some more pictures from the hospital!

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{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }

angie April 30, 2008 at 11:46 am

What a beautiful baby girl!! I cried like a baby reading this, you write so well. That’s awesome you have 3 kiddos, how fun.


JamieBean April 30, 2008 at 12:03 pm

It is so fun to read about your newest little bundle of joy. She is absolutely beautiful. You have some great pictures..I love the three week pictures..especially the one of her in the spoon with a huge smile on her face-so adorable!My heart just melted when I saw that one. I also love the pictures of the kids touching your belly-precious! So fun! We are so thrilled for you guys. We need to come and see you and meet little Haylie in person! I’ll give you a ring! Have a great day!


Mary April 30, 2008 at 12:03 pm

So glad you posted this. What a great thing it will be for you and Haylie to look back on. I just love those first few moments of life and you documented them so well!


kto1s April 30, 2008 at 1:41 pm

What a lovely post Brooke! Isn’t it so sweet to welcome her here, and the moment just gets sweeter when your kids get to unite!


Gina April 30, 2008 at 10:45 pm

Yeah. I love that all over again. I agree about the cute little chubs, but she was and is so bity. Love her! Thanks for sharing that.


koryandkatie May 1, 2008 at 6:53 am

You made me cry too. New babies are such miracles. I love the picture of Brandon comparing his finger to hers. I hope you are recovering and adjusting well. We want to come and see you guys, but have been passing around a little “cold bug” in our family for a couple of weeks. Once we’re all better, we’ll call!


Natalie May 1, 2008 at 9:07 am

I loved reading about Haylie’s birth-day. I love the layout you did of your kids with their hands on your belly. I love that moment where your kids get to meet your new baby for the first time. It’s such a special time. I can’t believe it’s already been a month!


Mike Alexis & Grayson May 1, 2008 at 1:04 pm

I love baby stories! Your little family is so cute! All of your pictures are so cute, your blog is so cute. Gosh…everything you do is cute :) We miss you guys!


Ben May 1, 2008 at 8:30 pm

oh, i love it. great story and pictures.


emily May 1, 2008 at 8:38 pm

so ben is really emily.


Celeste May 6, 2008 at 3:19 pm

Brooke!!!! hey, I have a quick question, ‘member how Quinn had a book of her blog? Could you ax her who she did that through? I don’t know how to get in touch with her. Just comment on my blog if you can.


Quinn May 7, 2008 at 2:59 pm

What a beautiful birth story! I’m so glad everything ended up working out so well! That’s such a crack up that Haylie insisted on being born on April 1st, regardless of “the plan.” I definitely teared up reading this post.


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