Our 4th of July Weekend: Part 2

by Brooke on July 13, 2009

On Saturday morning we slept in a little bit then headed up to PC to spend the day with Jaden’s side of the fam. It was only about 68 degrees when we got there, which was a nice change. We met at Uncle Kevin and Aunt Cheryl’s condo and walked over to the parade, making it to see about half of the parade.

Haylie had a great time, clapping and dancing whenever she heard music. Annie and Grandpa Judd snuggled on the curb watching the little “floats” drive on by. It was a pretty small parade and we were disappointed that no candy was thrown at us. :) But I did like how nearly every float had something to do with winter and skiing/snowboarding, even in the heat of summer!! It was pretty funny to me.

This snowflake dude was funny slash creepy-ish. And patriotic, I guess. He said, “I’ll be seeing you soon.” Kind of creepy, even though he meant the winter was coming in a few months…. which I don’t even want to begin to think about.

Here’s one of Annie and her mommy. We love each other. :)

After the parade was over, we headed to the park where there were booths and games and music and bouncy houses and all sorts of shenanigans. It was PACKED and starting to get hot with the sun coming out from behind the clouds. Makes for harsh lit photos, that’s for sure. Oh well! Aunt Cheryl spoiled the kids and bought them tickets for treats and games. The kids devoured their snow cones (and also ended up wearing them after a few minutes!) and had fun playing some of the games to earn tiny plastic toys that I love to fill my home with.

Meanwhile Jordan, Amy and The Big X (aka Hendrix) were relaxing under a shady tree somewhere. Why did I not get any pictures of those cute people??? Why???

Haylie decided she’d had enough of being pushed around in her shaded stroller and wanted to snuggle with her daddy. So I got into the stroller and Jaden pushed ME around. Oh, I wish. :)

Here’s Haylie prancing around in all her cute patrioticness.

Here’s one of our little family, melting in the bright summer sun.

And I had to take a snap of this blinged-out leopard print “DIVA” plated motorcycle. Sweet!

It was really pretty up in the mountains with all the rain we’ve had all of June. It was fun to show the kids what the ski trails look like without all the snow covering them. This was really interesting to Brandon because this past winter he learned how to ski! I need to post the video of that–it’s on my list of things to do. :)

After the parade came a delicious BBQ lunch at the condo, and then swimming at the pool. Haylie and I stayed back to catch a little nap.

Thanks, Kevin and Cheryl! You are so generous and amazing! We had a blast!

We made it home just in time to hit our neighborhood BBQ that night, which was also a lot of fun–good food, friends, kids running around everywhere, another bouncy house. The kids were in heaven once again. It was great to relax and visit and hang out with our neighbors and friends.

Lots of fun friends to play with!

Then came the fireworks! People brought out some good ones. I’m only posting one firework photo though. That’s all I’m in the mood to do. :)

Brandon did a bunch of sparklers again and after watching some of the big fireworks, he and Joshua went inside and played a little bit of Lego Star Wars. :)

Annie and Sam watching the big show, mouths stained with watermelon and Cheetos. :)

It was a fabulous weekend!! Happy Birthday, America!!!

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{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

Kiki July 14, 2009 at 7:57 am

i love all the patrioticness! Looks like a fab 4th! Annie looks REALLY old in that last pic!


Julie July 14, 2009 at 9:59 am

LOVE the picture of you and Annie. Framer for sure. I can't believe how many little boys are in your neighborhood that are Brandon's age. Very fun. You have a very fun 'hood!


emily mcd July 14, 2009 at 10:40 am

Fun fun fun! And what a small world. . . I think I know the family of Joshua (is he the one on the far left of the pic?). I taught his older sister Sara. What a darling family. Speaking of darling families–would you look at your cute selves? Sheesh! I love it!


brit July 14, 2009 at 5:18 pm

Love all the pics!!! My best friend from highschool works for park city tv & has hosted the park city parade for the last few years & is always begging us to come up. Looks like next year we might have to!


susan July 14, 2009 at 11:31 pm

Looks like fun again. Keep posting and I will feel like I took my kids to do fun stuff! I miss you!


Meagan Kemp July 15, 2009 at 4:05 pm

What a fun weekend and what great pictures! We had fun but we did miss Cash's cousins and our Kemp family. But we'll be there for Labor Day – yay!


Mary July 16, 2009 at 3:45 pm

Fun 4th!! I love the moments you captured, and I'm CRAVING that cake you made right now! I also love seeing pictures of Haylie. I feel like I never have seen her. So cute.

PS I hope you're having a blast on the Colossus right about now! :)


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