by Brooke on April 4, 2007

We went to the farm late yesterday afternoon, the weather was great, there weren’t very many people there so the kids ran amuck. Sometimes I wished that we could’ve put THEM in the pens and let the animals out! We fed ducks and geese (I swear there were billions of them) and saw roosters, pigs, sheep (and some babies too!), horses, cows, I think that’s about all. Took lots of pictures so take a looksie! Notice how most of the pictures are taken of their backs–I had a hard time getting them to look at me when there was so much fun stuff to look at!

I loved this shot of Brandon, Jake and Sydney. Such a capture of childhood, to me. Not a worry in the world. :)

At first the pigs were just snoozing in their pen. Or should I say “sty.” I snapped this photo because sometimes I feel like I’m a pig just wallowing in my sty of a house. :) Ha ha. Does anyone else ever feel this way?!?!? Brandon wanted to actually get in the pen with the pigs and Annie just had fun “talking” to “Wilbur”.

The baby sheep were really cute. This shot made me laugh because it looks like momma sheep is telling me to mind my own beeswax! (Beeswax, Not Yours Inc.–The Office trivia, anyone???)

Here’s one of the infamous “plugging in” of belly button.

I love these next shots too. Annie just kept wandering off in her own little world, just happy as can be. Then when Brandon was on the little path she loved following right behind him. This is so true to life because she’s always trying to do everything he does, just following in the footsteps of her big brother. Love it.

Lastly, I LOVE how all the trees are blooming here–I love spring. On this one I did the Orton Technique and like how it turned out, kind of painterly and surreal.

Gotta love the farm. One of the cutest things was when the three older kids were singing “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” at the top of their lungs. :)

When we got home (after Brandon had a meltdown because he didn’t want to leave the fun-ness that was the farm) we played in the car until daddy came home. Annie was in the driver seat, Brandon in the passenger, and I sat in Annie’s car seat. True story. I pretended to be the kid and kept whining and begging for crackers. :) I thought I was hilarious.

All in all, it was a good day.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Emilee April 5, 2007 at 12:34 am

What a fun and fabulous day at the farm! We got to go there too while we were in UT this last time and Madisen had such great time! OK your camera takes the BEST pictures. You never cease to amaze me. I love Annie’s cute pig tails!


koryandkatie April 5, 2007 at 6:57 pm

You are amazing! I think that says it all!!!


haylee April 9, 2007 at 10:52 pm

oh, I love the farm. Look’s like you had a fun day and you got some really great shots! You’re really talented! I love the font in your copyright BTW.


manda April 10, 2007 at 3:24 pm

I hadn’t read your blog for a while. I had some catching up to do. Too cute. I love the pictures at the farm.


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