Random Ramblings on a Tuesday Afternoon

by Brooke on April 3, 2007

Wow, it’s been a bit since I last posted. There were a few times this weekend that I was going to sit down and write on the ol’ blog but the kids kind of made me grumpy and I didn’t really feel like recording those moments in time. :) We did enjoy General Conference though. But thank goodness for Tivo because it was hard to completely listen with Brandon and Annie climbing all over us like monkeys. And I need to watch it again. Was there a talk about patience? Cuz I need some.

Okay. You know that you’re a mom of a preschooler and a toddler when you have The Backyardigans songs stuck in your head all day long!!! Although they are kind of too long they are quite catchy and I find myself singing them randomly. And sometimes dancing. Yep, I’m 28 years old and I sing and dance to the Backyardigans. Also, since we’re being honest here–Jaden and I went to dinner this weekend with some friends (waving to Ash and Wes!) and we had a great time WITHOUT CHILDREN, time that was greatly necessary for our well beings and sanity, yet on the way home Jaden and I spent most of the drive singing various Backyardigans songs. That’s how sad it really is. :)

Well, the title of this post says RANDOM so I’ll give you random. We are excited because in our back yard we have this sort of pathetic looking tree but the cool thing is that there is a momma birdie who has been hanging out in her nest for several weeks–I’m not a bird pro but I’m thinking there are some little eggies in there. Brandon and I look everyday for any signs of peeps. So here is a little tribute to momma birdie and her humble abode.

Next ramble: I did this layout last night. I love the picture I took last week and the poem/quote came immediately to my mind when I looked at the photo. I think it works. :) Oh, cute Mel asked me what program I use for my scrapbooking–I use Photoshop Elements 4.0. Love it.

Credits here!

Brandon moments from the weekend: During General Conference Brandon asked “Are they talking to me?” Jaden told him that the speakers were talking to all of us. So Brandon went and stood in front of the TV and basically “answered” the speakers, saying “okay” and “oh” after every sentence they spoke. It was pretty cute.

Jaden has been making up stories for Brandon at bedtime about a little boy named Brandon who had lots of adventures. The other night he finished the story and Brandon said, “That’s not the end of the story!” Jaden asked him what the end was. He replied “The ending is that Brandon went and tickled his sister Annie and she laughed!” (laughed was pronounced “waffed”). We “waffed” about it too. :)

We signed Brandon up for soccer yesterday! That will be hilarious, I’m sure. Three and four year old “bunch ball.” And I’m sure little Annie will want to join right in the fun. So the life of a soccer mom begins…..

Annie’s adding some new songs to her little repertoire. Twinkle Twinkle, ABC’s and a little good morning song I sing to her when she wakes up. Oh, and she sings The Backyardians songs too. :)We’re like the Von Trapp Family when it comes to Backyardigans hits, ha ha. She’s started saying “Yes” whenever we ask her something and when we say “how are you, Annie” she’ll say “Good!” And my little lady-like daughter loves to pull things out of the garbage. I’m glad I chose to put that into the internet universe.

Well, we’re going to visit Wheeler Farm in a few minutes, so I’m certain I’ll have 1.2 billion pictures to share tomorrow. :) Happy Tuesday!

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Leslie April 3, 2007 at 9:19 pm

Oh my goodness Brooke, that picture of the bird is AMAZING! As for singing “little show” songs, we do it too, so you’re not alone!!!


Ashley & Wes April 3, 2007 at 9:59 pm

As we get to wheeler farm I think, Oh Crap I forgot my camera (SHOCKER!) then quickly realize, Oh wait Brooke is coming why would I need a camera? :-) As for this house we sing Rescue Pack, Comin’ to the rescue…As for brielle singing, not so much. My lady like girl grunts and growls. (At least she doesn’t stick her finger in her belly button and spit!) HAHA!


Mel April 4, 2007 at 12:11 pm

Thanks for the photo shop tip! I gotta get on the bandwagon of digital scrapbooking…the songs we sing:Little Einstein’s


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